Sunday, March 9

Tag: loss

Neutering Is Forever (dog care/Kindle eBook)

Neutering Is Forever (dog care/Kindle eBook)

Front page, Non-fiction Books, pets
  Title: Neutering Is Forever Author: Clea Saal Born: June 8, 2021 Genre: Dog care/personal/controversial (general) Format: Kindle eBook AISN: B0936SXJ95 Price: $4.95 1. Signs ‘The only balls your dog needs are the ones he fetches,’ so reads a sign outside a veterinary clinic. I guess they thought it was funny. This story, unfortunately, is anything but. It is the story of my best friend, whose life I basically ruined by listening to a vet who shared that casual attitude towards his physical integrity; a vet who saw dogs as a bunch of bits and pieces that could be taken out at will... who saw dogs as things that were there for humans to play with, and to be modified in any way we saw fit. (more…)
The Leash

The Leash

Front page, Personal, pets
As you may have noticed, I love my dog to bits. In fact, if I were to be perfectly honest here, I would have to say that I can count the number of people I love as much on the fingers of one hand, and I would probably have quite a few fingers to spare. It is an uncomplicated relationship. I love him, he loves me back, end of story. (more…)
A Moment In Time

A Moment In Time

Front page, pets, rants, Uncategorized
What you have here is one of my favorite photos of my three boys, one in which you can definitely see their distinct personalities shining through. It is also one of the few I have of my three babies together, as the kitten was only three and a half months old at the time, he had been with us for a little more than two months, and it had only been a few days prior that I had finally allowed my dogs and cat to hang out together (okay, so maybe it would be more accurate to say that it had only been a week since one day, much to my horror, the kitten snuck past me out of the room in which he was being kept, and didn’t get eaten), and we lost Terri less than two months later. In fact we lost him three months ago today, that’s what drove me to share this picture, and yet I hesitate to do it, kn...